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NDCS Social Media Posts

Scott R. Frakes, director of the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) has been elected treasurer of the Correctional Leaders Association (CLA). That organization consists of the chief executive officers (CEOs) from state correctional systems across the United States committed to promoting professionalism in the field of corrections and supporting policy and practices relative to public safety.

“I am honored to serve the members of CLA and to repay that organization for the support and assistance I have received since 2015,” said Dir. Frakes.

In 2015, Governor Pete Ricketts appointed Dir. Frakes to...Read more

Are you interesting in joining a team of passionate individuals all working to transform peoples’ lives? The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) is seeking LPNs and RNs in Omaha, Lincoln, Tecumseh and York. We are looking for people with a desire to serve, a commitment to teamwork, dedication, and the integrity to keep people safe.

Check out all of our other career opportunities as well - join our team and make a difference at NDCS!

#WereHiring #JoinOurTeam #KeepPeopleSafeRead more

Athletics and Recreation Specialist Spencer Oswald was recently named the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP) Employee of the Year for the Administrative Services division. Since assuming the position in July 2018, Oswald has done an excellent job organizing recreation events. He routinely hosts a wide variety of events for the men and is always looking for more events and programs to offer. Oswald was especially recognized for his efforts and ability to adapt activities to changes in staffing schedules.

Oswald is consistently the first to step up to assist other team members, including custody duties. Teammates know they...Read more

Men coming into the library the Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (DEC) have been able to enjoy a change of scenery recently. “The project started before I started in the library, but it’s been great be part of it and to see it through,” said Librarian Tiffany Seager. “This is just one more way we can acknowledge the men’s unique talents here and give them an opportunity to put them to use. The Nebraska inspired artwork helps remind the men visiting the library of what they are working towards and focus on getting back to the community.”Read more

Several men at the Nebraska State Penitentiary have been collaborating on how to show their support and appreciation to healthcare workers. One of the men contributed his artistic talents to help create a poster. Unit Manager Brandon Tan oversaw the project and personally delivered the poster Bryan East hospital. Director of Volunteer Services Ellen Beans proudly accepted the donation on behalf of Bryan Health medical staff. The men continue to make more posters as an expression of their community support during this difficult time. #NECOVID19 #TellOurStory #GivingThanksRead more

Are you interesting in joining a team of passionate individuals all working to transform peoples’ lives? The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) is a diverse community of food service, nursing, maintenance and custody professionals. We are looking for people with a desire to serve, a commitment to teamwork, dedication, and the integrity to keep people safe.

Join our team and make a difference at NDCS!

#WereHiring #JoinOurTeam #KeepPeopleSafeRead more

On October 23, 1978, Jimmy Carter was the U.S. president, a stamp cost 13 cents and the Huskers had six wins out of seven games. That was also the day NDCS Engineering Administrator Jerry Pohlmann started his career at NDCS. Forty-one years, 10 months and 13 days later, Pohlmann is starting the next chapter of his life – retirement.

In the four decades that have passed since his hire, Pohlmann has had his hand in so many projects, it is impossible to count them all. Back then, there was no WEC and no facilities at all in Omaha. Overseeing the construction of TSCI has been one of the greatest achievements of his career. “...Read more

The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) is pleased to announce that NDCS Deputy Director Jeremy Elder has been appointed be the next vice president of marketing for the National Correctional Industries Association (NCAI) board of directors beginning January 2021. As deputy director for NDCS, Elder oversees operations at Cornhusker State Industries (CSI), Federal Surplus Property and the NDCS engineering division. Currently, Elder serves on the NCIA board as the representative for the South Central region.

“Throughout my 16-year career in correctional industries, I have found NCIA to be an essential...Read more
