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NDCS Social Media Posts

A short message from Staff Training Academy Training & Development Manager Ken Sturdy.

Happy Correctional Officers and Teammates Appreciation Week!

Watch the YouTube video HERE.

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Leadership can be shown in a variety of ways throughout a person’s career. For Property Control Corporal Amanda Quinton, she shows it through improving efficiency at the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP). Quinton has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) for more than a year. In that time, her supervisors have seen her dedication to NSP and her drive to help where she can. Quinton reorganized the property control room and enhanced the process of how the facility stores property at NSP. “I have found lost and missing property for different facilities and for people at NSP.”

Quinton said she...Read more

National Correctional Officers and Employees Appreciation Week is May 3 - 9.

We take this opportunity to thank each and every NDCS employee for their dedication and commitment to our mission.

#KeepPeopleSafe #CorrectionsWeek2020Read more

Director Scott R. Frakes talks about NDCS' COVID-19 plan for the near future and what operations will look like for the people living in NDCS facilities as the agency continues to focus on preventing the transmission of COVID-19.

#NECOVID19 #FlattenTheCurve

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In an effort to boost spirits and help bring people together during the COVID-19 pandemic, teammates at the Nebraska State Penitentiary have had fun participating in the “Claw out the Corona” challenge. As a reward for wearing animal prints, they get a chance to win prizes. Teammates who don’t have the option to wear the fun prints have been offered printed lanyards. #ClawOutTheCorona #NECOVID19 #TellOurStoryRead more

Art has the ability to enrich not only the lives of those who make it, but those who experience it as well. For the artists creating it, it can help them relieve stress, express themselves, and give a sense of pride and purpose. Men at the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP) created these murals beautifying Housing Unit 6.Read more

One of many ways NDCS teammates are working to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 is by disinfecting transportation vehicles after each trip.

The NDCS safety coordinator offers some good reminders for cleaning your vehicles at work and at home.

Watch the video on our NDCS YouTube channel HERE.

#NECOVID19 #Clean #KeepPeopleSafeRead more

NDCS teammates are committed to doing quality work. As we continue to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, we do our part to wear masks, practice social distancing and sanitize surfaces. Keep up the good work everyone! #NECOVID19 #KeepPeopleSafe #ShareEmIfYouWearEmRead more
