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NDCS Social Media Posts

Staff member demonstrates proper search techniques

Thirty new employees to NDCS received a unique, hands-on experience last week. Instead of reporting, as usual, to the Staff Training Academy (STA), they went to the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP) to assist with cell searches.

“This was a great opportunity to gain institutional knowledge in a not so routine situation,” said Ken Sturdy, Training and Development Manager at STA. “We talk a lot at the academy about what can happen, but this was a real chance for them to see what it’s really like. It’s great exposure to the world of corrections that many might not see outside their normal line of work.”

Learning how...Read more

The Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI) Employee Activities Committee held a Sloppy Nacho food day for staff with all proceeds going towards the United Way Charitable Giving Campaign.Read more

The Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC) and Diagnostic & Evaluation Center (DEC) held a balloon blast as one of their United Way charitable giving fundraisers. Teammates had an amazing time for a good cause raising close to $300! Way to go!!

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Members of the NDCS Honor Guard represented the agency at the 9/11 Blue Mass on September 11, 2019 at the Cathedral of the Risen Christ in Lincoln, Nebraska.

The tradition of the Blue Mass originated in New York in 2002 to honor the men and women who gave their lives trying to save civilians during the September 11 terrorist attack the previous year. The name comes from the blue uniforms traditionally worn by police officers.

The ceremony honors all active, deceased and retired law enforcement, fire and rescue, as well as corrections personnel who have and continue to perform their duties with distinction every...Read more

The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) Pre-Service Class 1019 graduated 28 new teammates from the academy this week. Welcome to the NDCS family!Read more

Eric Spry, one of the process improvement coordinators at the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS), facilitates Yellow Belt training for teammates.

Yellow Belt training is part of the Center of Operational Excellence Lean Six Sigma program.

Yellow Belts are usually managers and supervisors. They are the eyes and ears to identifying areas of progress and finding ways to improve processes within state agencies. Those improvements should lead to efficiencies and potentially, savings for taxpayers. This is another area in which NDCS focuses on ways to: Keep People Safe.

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Every year, the Work Ethic Camp (WEC) sets up a day full of fun activities for the men living there. It’s a time when everyone can smile, laugh and enjoy each other’s company. Events like this are important in facilities as they help relieve stress and also develop rapport between the men and NDCS teammates. There were a variety of fun games and competitive exercise classes, along with some tricycle races. One person living at WEC told staff they can’t remember a time when they laughed this hard all in one day.Read more

The second annual Water Walker’s Retreat was held at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW) and facilitated by Records Manager Devon Davis.

Warden Angela Folts-Oberle has been a huge supporter of the group due to its positive impact for resident and staff rapport. The women meet monthly for spiritual guidance and to help others continue to be up-lifted and encouraged. Several women came together to plan an itinerary that allowed open dialogue about women’s health care that was facilitated by Super Sergeant Nikkol Senff. Dance 2 Be Free program facilitators created dances that showed women empowerment and...Read more
