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NDCS Social Media Posts

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Major Liz Stegeman updates a QDIP board at the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP). Stegeman has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since 2007. Her job duties include ensuring security policies and practices are in place to keep people safe. “I enjoy my job because the people I work with are extraordinary in their ability to work as a team to accomplish anything,” Stegeman said. “We as corrections professionals have the privilege of helping people improve themselves and creating a safer environment in the institution and eventually the community.” #NDCSTeamMemberSpotlightRead more

Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) hosted Department of Corrections Night on August 28 at Haymarket Park. It was Larry the Cable Guy night and the Honor Guard posted the colors. A great time was had by all!Read more

The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) search dogs and their trainers visited Central Office for a meeting on Sept. 7. Thank you for all you do!Read more

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Officer Timothy Dahl supervises a Second Chance Pups training class at the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP). Dahl has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since 2003. His job duties include walking the yard, monitoring towers and supervising programs like Second Chance Pups. “You get to know these guys and gain their respect,” Dahl said. “I’ve always liked getting out there and being hands on with these guys.” #NDCSTeamMemberSpotlightRead more

Ralph came to Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI) on July20 and he was adopted out to a staff member of TSCI on August 30. Ralph was very popular on the yard. Ralph is a Great Dane puppy around 6 months old when he left. Staff and those incarcerated loved to see him try to run and play with his big paws!Read more

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Staff Assistant II Annette Powers checks for any damage on a vehicle in the Central Office motor pool. Powers has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since 2007. Her job duties include coordinating facility vehicles, organizing clothing issue, fixing assets inventory supervising area inmates. “I enjoy helping others with every day operations and providing a friendly face to the new hires,” Powers said. #NDCSTeamMemberSpotlightRead more

Volunteer Dr. Karla Jensen, Professor of Communication Studies at Wesleyan University, led Lincoln Correctional Center's (LCC) first Mindfulness Meditation class at LCC. The class focused on developing the ability to be fully attentive, reducing the amount of time spent worrying about the future or fretting the past and developing a non-judgmental, accepting attitude. Dr. Karla also led the group in an all-levels yoga session at the end of each class.Read more

The Survivors Club at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW), sponsored the Summer Families 4 ever event on August 25. Seventeen children and their mothers got to enjoy the day with arts and crafts and several outdoor activities with the Nebraska Games and Parks sponsors. Those who attended the event participated in a nature scavenger hunt, learned how to identify male and female frogs and crickets, what different creatures eat, and many other fun facts. The event was concluded with Game and Parks by building their own spider web. The day concluded with snow cones for all!Read more
