In Case You Missed It!

In Case You Missed It!

NDCS Social Media Posts

The Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP) hosted four family fun visit days in the gymnasium throughout the month of July. See photos from one of the events on July 11.Read more

The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS), in partnership with the Lincoln Saltdogs and Domesti-Pups, recently hosted a corrections night at Haymarket Park. NDCS team members handed out fans, answered questions and hosted trivia contests before and during the game on Aug. 1. The NDCS Honor Guard also presented the colors. Thank you to all who came out!Read more

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Unit Administrator Athena Thomas works on inmate classification at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI). Thomas began her career in September 2013 as a Unit Caseworker, then promoted to Case Manager and Unit Manager. In September 2017, she was promoted to Unit Administrator and serves as a valuable asset to the TSCI team. #NDCSTeamMemberSpotlightRead more

On June 2, members of the Reentry Unit of the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) volunteered time and talent to provide furnishings and lend an artistic touch to decorate one of the twenty rooms that comprise the new Honu Home in Lincoln. Honu Home, a respite facility that is operated by the Mental Health Association (MHA) of Nebraska, provides continual peer support to those clients who qualify for placement at the home. These clients are formerly incarcerated individuals that struggle with mental and behavioral health challenges. The NDCS Reentry Unit works closely with Honu Home and MHA staff when assisting...Read more

On July 17-18, The Community Justice Center (CJC) completed its 66th Restorative Justice “Crime Victims Impact/Empathy (Life Skills) Class” at the Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC). Seventy one percent of class participants rated the class "excellent" with eighty six percent showing some level of empathy and/or insight in the effects their actions had on their victims and community. One participant said the following of the class, "This workshop helped me look at all the different victims in my case and how I effected them."

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To celebrate the 4th of July at the Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (DEC), Sergeants and Lieutenants banded together and put together a meal for the staff on all three shifts. This was done with no notice to the staff with the hope that the supervisors could show their gratitude for all the work their shifts do every day. Thank you to all of the staff at DEC for the great job they do every day!Read more

On July 12, The Community Justice Center (CJC) completed its third 90 Minute “Anger/Emotional Hygiene” Session with twenty one incarcerated women at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW). One hundred percent of class participants rated the class “excellent” with seventy five percent showing some level of insight into understanding the three sources of ANGER and their Emotional Hygiene (how to processing feelings). Two participants commented that, "Understanding the three sources of ANGER was beneficial", and that the class “Made me realize what I need to do to start the healing process to be able to stay sober.”Read more

The second Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI) Fitness room is officially open. This room is located on the Upper Administration floor. It is free to all Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) employees, continuing to make TSCI stronger and healthier!Read more
