In Case You Missed It!

In Case You Missed It!

NDCS Social Media Posts

Incarcerated individuals at the Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility (NCYF), along with volunteers, created cards for the Veterans residing at the Eastern Nebraska Veterans’ Home in Bellevue, NE. Eighty-six cards were created and delivered to thank the Veterans for their service, to bless them, and to thank them for our freedoms.Read more

Curt Tomasevicz, a two-time Olympic Gold medalist, delivered his presentation, "Have no Fear" to the ladies at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW). Curt is from Shelby, Nebraska and spoke about starting out as a University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Husker football player and his journey into bobsledding. Curt won a gold and a bronze medal and competed in bobsledding for ten years.Read more

Nebraska Wesleyan University’s faculty band, “Release Time,” recently performed a jaw dropping show for the Lincoln Community Center (LCC) population.

Their set list included a variety of cover songs from Taylor Swift, Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash -- just to name a few. The event, held on Oct. 2, was a well-received and welcomed gift.Read more

The Pink Patch Project helps raise awareness about and funds to fight breast cancer. See Governor Pete Ricketts' video about the Nebraska State Patrol's involvement:[0]=68.ARCBfuUGWVUIdJG8BchyKgccUt7J6mLniUKtkUemQmvdaFk-lD6HT63lMEJQNfkgaLXQYPeINPoNq82Kd5WBFKVd-9pcywsP_wtbI4SIF7Dzfox7tHf0rJmbxr4XAVzMzSDwYT0WQtfVRI3uD4P3e9sbDSNZ3g4MEbJR1PgmW25Yf3xJ0ASdzyN9ATLxsev7QYiosWP2wWZJbVbp7QgvR_Eh5TxZYypj_Nf4nOM&__tn__=C-RRead more

See KWBE-AM (Beatrice)'s story about employee recognition events taking place throughout the state: more

The Nebraska State Penitentiary's (NSP) first Prison Fellowship Academy (PFA) graduated on Sept. 11. Congratulations, fellows!Read more

Community Corrections Center-Lincoln (CCC-L), held a graduation ceremony for Thinking for Change (T4C) on October 11, 2018. Thank you to those staff who were able to come support the graduates. For those who missed it, please enjoy some pictures and offer some positive affirmations to those inmates who successfully completed this program. Congratulations!Read more

Individuals at the Work Ethic Camp (WEC) recently began freshening up designated areas throughout the facility. They've done work on the dining hall and visiting area, changing the color scheme and adding new tables. A plan is in place to continue the remodel by adding and replacing carpet and paint schemes throughout the facility.Read more
