In Case You Missed It!

In Case You Missed It!

NDCS Social Media Posts

Six incarcerated men at Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC), graduated from T4C on November 2. One of the men from the group acknowledged this was the first programming he’s ever finished and how the class really opened his eyes to seeing things from another point of view. Congratulations!Read more

The Omaha Correctional Center (OCC) held its first poetry slam on Nov. 14. The event was put on by "Writer's Block," a program with the Nebraska Writers Collective. Two self-betterment clubs, Harambee and NASCA, were able to join together and present their poetry in front of a large, welcoming crowd. The poetry slam was put together to help participating club members with public speaking, developing writing skills and community engagement. The event was a huge success. Approximately 10 volunteers gave a helping hand with scoring the poetry, and approximately 15 poets participated.Read more

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Corporal Nicole Weaver supervises the yard at the Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility (NCYF). Weaver has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since 2008. Her job duties include supervising inmate activities and providing escorts. “I enjoy working with the people I do,” Weaver said. “We all work well as a team. In a stressful job like this, you need people you can have fun with when the time is right.” #NDCSTeamMemberSpotlightRead more

The Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP) held their annual Veterans Club Banquet on Nov. 5.

The NSP Vets are very active in making poppies for the American Legion Auxiliary. The Auxiliary averages a $3 donation per poppy. The NSP Vets made 20,030 poppies last year, and they had a goal of increasing that number. So far this year, they have made 65,425 poppies that garnered $196,275 in donations. Over the last 20 years, they have garnered donations in the amount of $638,310.

Senator Thomas Brewer was the keynote speaker at this year’s banquet. Senator Brewer served 13 tours of duty, six of which were in Afghanistan...Read more

The Nebraska State Penitentiary held family fun days on Oct. 15 and 16. Thank you to all who attended!Read more

The Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW) hosted their "Fall into Reentry" fair on Oct. 23. Among some of the partners that attended were skilled trades, Vocational Rehab, several transitional living options, medical and personal care resources, the Mental Health Association of Nebraska, Parole and Probation, along with Community Corrections (for who are eligible for work release). The ladies at NCCW were excited about the information from the visiting partners and being able to ask questions and have them answered on the spot.Read more

Dr. Harbans S. Deol's article, "Strategies in managing chronic pain," was featured in the most recent edition of Corrections Today. Dr. Deol has served as medical director at the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since January of 2017. See the article below.Read more


Canteen Supervisor Chris Sieff organizes snacks at the Omaha Correctional Center (OCC).

Sieff has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since 2012. His main job duties include managing inventory, supervising team members and incarcerated individuals and making sure canteen, special and direct orders run smoothly.

“We vary our stock as much as possible to accommodate all the different inmates and their food and hygiene needs,” Sieff said. “By listening to their needs, we are able to adapt the canteen to better serve the population.”

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