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NDCS Social Media Posts

RISE kicked off its sixth cohort at the Nebraska State Penitentiary!

Incarcerated individuals take this program to prepare and train for each phase of reentering the community through intensive character development, employment readiness, job creation through entrepreneurship and case management.

RISE also assists in educating people in the community about the incarcerated population and can assist in connecting and healing families, create employment pathways and lower recidivism.

#RISE #jobskills #reentryRead more

Teammates had the opportunity to socialize with five of the newest puppies heading to the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women for basic obedience training, thanks to Domesti-PUPS. These eight-week old cuties were from all from the same litter of bernadoodles, a mix between Bernese mountain dog and poodle. #puppies #funatworkRead more

Congratulations to the Omaha Correctional Center, Diagnostic and Evaluation Center, Community Corrections Center-Omaha and the Cornhusker State Industries for earning re-accreditation from the American Correctional Association (ACA).

NDCS is the 10th corrections system in the nation to be 100% accredited by ACA, thereby earning the prestigious Golden Eagle Award.

The American Correctional Association (ACA) is a private, non-profit, non-governmental trade association and accrediting body for the corrections industry, the oldest and largest such association in the world.

Accreditation is a system of...Read more

The Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW) is giving a big thank you to its Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) and Thinking for a Change (T4C) facilitators! These individuals are going beyond the call of duty to assist in growing the programs and are focused on making them the best they can be. Their dedication, perseverance and passion have directly impacted the safety of our communities.

Big thank you's to Diane Brune and Rocki Roth for their long-standing dedication to the programs as well. Ms. Brune has been teaching MRT since the beginning, and Unit Case Manager Roth has taught T4C since it began at NCCW. Their...Read more

Taking a step back in time today to the 1870s to a glimpse at some of the first people to enter the Nebraska State Penitentiary. #ndcsphotofridayRead more

NDCS Team Member Spotlight: After celebrating his 26th year working at the Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (DEC), Sergeant Jairo Cabieles looks back on his time at the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services with pride. He’s worked all three shifts during different points in his career. Cabieles began as an officer, promoted to corporal and then sergeant in 2006. He said he enjoys talking to team members and helping train new teammates. “I enjoy training and developing new people who come work at DEC.”

Lietenant Witherspoon works with Cabieles as his supervisor. He said he appreciates Cabieles focus on his...Read more

Teammates competed on having the best decorated areas at Central Office over the holidays. Here are some of the winning designs from Denise Jensen, Katie Elliott, Anna Gruber, Tatiana De Los Santos, and the Reentry team! #teammates #havefunatworkRead more
